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Biggest Names To Flip-Flop on Supporting Trump

"Donald, you're a sniveling coward and leave [my wife] the hell alone!" That was Ted Cruz then. Now, he's singing a different tune — as are these other pro-Trump flip-floppers. 😙
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5 of the Biggest 180's on the Trump Administration

There are the elected Republicans who once had little use for Trump but would prefer to keep their heads down and hope that their Trump-loving constituents disremember the terrible things they said about the potential president during the 2016 campaign. There are once-dubious GOP members who have not only come around to supporting Trump but who have also caked their about-faces in brazen heaps of flattery for “my president.”

Lindsey Graham’s rush to Trump’s side is particularly baffling because not long ago, he was best known for his bipartisan deal-making on issues like climate change and immigration.

Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway Despite being acquainted with Donald Trump for years, sitting on Trump’s condo board Conway initially endorsed Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican presidential primary and chaired a pro-Cruz political action committee known as Keep the Promise. Afterwards she was hired by Trump, at which point she proved how good she is at saying the opposite of a thing that is the truth.

Ted Cruz endorsed Donald Trump for the presidency in 2016, a stunning turn of events after a contentious primary filled with nasty personal attacks and a dramatic snub at the Republican National Convention.

Chris Christie offered his endorsement to Republican at the time 2016 frontrunner Donald Trump, calling him the "clear standout" among the candidates still in the race who will offer "strong, unequivocal leadership" for the country. But that sure isn't what Christie was saying just a few weeks ago before that proclamation, when he regularly mocked, imitated, and rebuked the Republican favorite.

Glenn Beck appeared with Sean Hannity and the key take-away from this love fest between two Trump enthusiasts was Beck's frantic declaration that "If the Republicans don't win in this next election, I think we are officially at the end of the country as we know it." That's an audacious statement. Especially coming from someone who said that ObamaCare would be the country, and that Obama's re-election would be the end of the country, and that gay marriage would be judgement day, and that Common Core education reform would be the end of the country, and that fluorides poisoning our vital fluids would be the end of us all. Practically everything that Beck has ever mentioned would produce the onset of an apocalypse that would be unavoidable. Including Donald Trump.

These are 5 of the biggest flips from anti-Trump to pro-Trump.
