Sen. Hirono Tells AG William Barr to Resign

Listen to Senator Mazie Hirono's scathing critique of Attorney General William Barr at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.
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Sen. Mazie Hirono Tells AG William Barr to Resign

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) told Attorney General William Barr to resign, as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the Russia investigation.

“You lied to Congress...You lied, and now we know. America deserves better, you should resign. But I wasn’t surprised. You did exactly what I thought you’d do. That’s why I voted against your confirmation. I expected you would try to protect the president, and indeed you did.

From the beginning of the Russian Investigation, Barr was addressing an audience of one, that person being Donald Trump. That’s why, before the bombshell news of 11 of Hirono’s Senate colleagues and called on the Department of Justice inspector general and office of professional responsibility to investigate the way that Barr has handled the Mueller report.

The Democratic controlled Senate now knows more about the alleged deep involvement in the Russain Investigation in trying to cover up for Donald Trump. Being attorney general of the United States is a sacred trust. The Senate believes that department has betrayed that trust. In a plea that America deserves better, they wish Barr to resign.

“Do you think all of the things that President Trump did are OK? Are they what the president of the United States should be doing? For example, do you think it’s OK for a president to fire an FBI director to stop him from investigating links between his campaign and Russia? It may not be a crime, but do you think it’s OK? Well I think the report is clear that—No, I’m not talking about the report analysis of whether a crime occurred, I’m asking you. This is not a crime, but do you think it’s OK for the president to do what he did, to fire the special council to keep them from investigating? I don’t think the evidence supports the proposition—So I guess you think it’s OK.

“Do you think it’s OK for a president to ask his White House council to lie? Well, I’m willing to talk about what’s criminal. No, we’ve already acknowledged that you think it was not a crime. I’m just asking whether you think it was OK. Even if it’s not a crime, do you think it’s OK for the president to ask his White House council to lie? Which event…? Look, if you’re just gonna go back to whether or not it’s a crime you’re telling me that it’s OK. Let me ask you the last question that I have in 17 seconds, do you think it’s OK for a president to offer pardons to people who don’t testify against him? To threaten the family of someone who does? Is that OK? When did he offer a pardon to someone—I think you know what I’m talking about. Please, please Mr. Attorney General, you know, give us some credit for knowing what the hell is going on around here with you.

Sen. Lindsey Graham defends Barr's handling of the Mueller Report by saying, “Not really. To this line of questioning. No, no, listen you’ve slandered this man. Barr says, “Yeah, what I want to know is how did we get to this point? Hirono retorts, “I do not think that I am slandering anyone. Mr. Chairman, I am done, thank you very much. Graham fires back, “And you’ve slandered this man from top to bottom. So, if you want more of this, you’re not gonna get it. If you want to ask him questions you can.”

Attorney General William Bar at the Senate hearing dealing with the Russian Invesitgation and until the election will receive plenty of scrutiny for his role in concluding the Meuller Report to clear the president of obstruction of justice something Mueller communicated his objections to Barr in a letter on March 27, three days after the attorney general disclosed the special counsel's conclusions and findings in a summary letter clearing President Donald Trump of having obstructed the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Trump relied on that summary letter to claim total exoneration.
