180 sheep were saved from this sinking ship

14,000 sheep trapped on a capsized ship in the Black Sea. More than a month after this incident happened, 180 sheep are still alive. They are now in the care of the organization Four Paws, but their fate remains uncertain…
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Despite being trapped on a capsized ship, some of these sheep were able to be saved

On November 24, 2019, this cargo ship from Romania, carrying 14,600 sheep, overturned. In the days that followed, rescue teams worked in shifts to come help the sheep trapped in the hold. Thanks to the efforts of these teams, 254 sheep were pulled from the ship alive. But dozens of them, injured and exhausted, died after their rescue. More than a month after the accident, 180 sheep are still alive.

In January 2020, following weeks of negotiation, the survivors were entrusted to the organizations Four Paws and ARCA and transported to a farm north of Bucharest. The sheep will remain there until a final decision is reached. The organizations hope to become the animals’ owners in order to transfer them to sanctuaries. After being transported, the animals were examined by veterinarians.

After the examination, most of the animals were in good health. Each year, over 3 million live animals are transported from the European Union to the rest of the world. Today, animal rights organizations are calling on the EU to ban these exports. For its part, Romania announced its intention to support the transport of meat rather than of live animals.
