Australia: 3 incredible landscapes

From emerald green swimming ponds to impressive rock formations, here are 3 amazing Australian landscapes. 🇦🇺
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Karijini National Park

Here, carved out of red rock, you’ll find: spectacular gorges, a number of waterfalls, and emerald green swimming ponds spread out over the 6,000 km2 of Australia’s second-largest national park according to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Located in a semi-arid region where temperatures over 40°C are common, the site is very isolated. Some of the park’s
real jewels: Dales Gorge, Fortescue Falls, and Oxer Lookout.

All of these geological formations are the result of 2.5 billion years’ worth of erosion, which sculpted the rocks. The site is home to a variety of wildlife, including kangaroos, echidnas, goannas, and even termite colonies.

Bay of Fires

Orange rocks surrounded by crystal-clear waters...This stunning landscape is located in a bay on the island of Tasmania. These rocks get their color from Xanthoria parietina, or the maritime sunburst lichen. However, the site was not named for this striking color. In 1773, the British navigator Tobias Furneaux noticed a number of Aboriginal fires along the coast, which led him to believe that the island had a large population. In his notes, he called the area “the Bay of Fires.” Many rock formations extend along the coast, interspersed with isolated beaches.

Wave Rock

A wave of stone, about to crash over Australia...This geological formation, 50 feet high and 360 feet long, is one of western Australia’s must-see features. It appeared at least 60 million years ago according to Universidade da Coruña. Its unique appearance is due to a specific erosion process that began underground and sculpted the granite over billions of years based on data from Central Wheatbelt Visitor Centre. Its colors result from the dissolution of minerals by rainwater. This type of formation is known as “flared slopes.” This wave plays a significant role for the region: A low wall running alongside the formation makes it possible to channel rainwater toward a dam and collect it.

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