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Celebrities read bedtime stories for disadvantaged kids
What is Save the Stories?
Save with Stories is an initiative launched by actors Amy Adams and Jennifer Garner to raise money for Save the Children and No Kid Hungry. Both of these organizations provide food, school supplies, books to over 30 million children in the United States with closed schools. The National Center for Education Statistics predict that there are at least 98,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools closed due to the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. So far, over 70 stories have been shared on their instagram account with over 132 thousand followers.
Save the Children was founded in the United Kingdom in 1919 during the German blockade of World War I. The charity has 25,000 staff members in 118 countries. Their goals for 2030 is that all children will live past their fifth birthday, receive a basic education, and will be protected from violence. The No Kid Hungry campaign was launched by nonprofit Share Our Strength in 2010. In 2018, they announced that they raised almost $40 million for programs such as school breakfast, summer meals, and afterschool meals. Both campaigns have been specifically fundraising for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
How to help
The link to donate is on the Save with Stories instagram page, but there are many other ways you can help those in need. The best way to help is to follow any stay-at-home orders or advisories in place. There are also programs like Invisible Hands where you can volunteer to pick up groceries and prescriptions for the elderly while they self-quarantine for protection. Health professionals are asking citizens to stop buying medical masks as the mass stockpiling of these devices are preventing medical workers from having the proper supplies. If you prematurely stockpiled gloves and masks, consider donating them to your local hospitals.