First trans character in “Harry Potter” universe

This “Harry Potter” video game appears to feature the universe’s first transgender character.
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Who is the trans character in Hogwarts Legacy?

"Hogwarts Legacy" is an action role-playing game set within iconic locations from the books and movies. During one of the quests, players meet Sirona Ryan, the owner of a pub in Hogsmeade Village. Although the character doesn't specifically say she is trans, a line in her dialogue led many to make their own conclusion : “Which is more than I can say for some of my own classmates. Took them a second to realize I was actually a witch, not a wizard”, says the transgender character in the video game.

The life of J.K. Rowling

The inclusion of a trans character is particularly noteworthy given "Harry Potter" creator J.K. Rowling's history of transphobic commentary. Hogwarts Legacy” was created without the involvement of Rowling, therefore some see the inclusion of such a character as a gesture of goodwill towards the trans community.

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Others, however, have argued that the character is an example of empty representation in a game that directly benefits from Rowling and her creation. They also noted that her name begins with the masculine title "Sir," thus falling into Rowling's history of on-the-nose naming conventions, which often conform to ethnic or identity-based stereotypes.

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