Jeff Goldblum is Cooler Than Ever

"Gender itself, as we move into the future, may literally be fluid and different." Jeff Goldblum spoke to Brut about masculinity and getting better with age. 😎
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His life will not be contained

Over 40 years into his career, Jeff Goldblum is cooler than he’s ever been. The longtime entertainer always been cool in his own distinct way. He’s a singular actor—the kind whose roles you couldn’t imagine being played by anyone else. Offscreen, he’s an engaging, thoughtful guy. There’s almost nothing not to like about him. But not until the last decade years, in his 60s, did he break through as a modern style icon. How’d this happen? What compelled him to take an interest in so late into a career that has always valued personal style more than most?

The birth of Goldblum’s first son, Charlie Ocean, is another perfect example of his mastery of the universe. As you likely know, one of Goldblum’s most famous roles came in the form of uninspired MIT graduate and “cable repairman” David Levinson in the 1996 blockbuster hit Independence Day. It was one of Goldblum’s distinctive breakout roles that helped put him on the map, and one that he has been remembered for ever since. Well, the real-life Independence Day takes place on July 4th, which is also, ironically enough, the day his son, Charlie Ocean, was born. His new film, The Mountain, explores dreams, mental health, and the changing role of masculinity. A shy young man goes to work as a photographer for a controversial doctor who advocates lobotomies.

Jeff Goldblum is probably the coolest man alive because he somehow manages to take the traditional nerdy science-type and alter that weird guy into something incredibly handsome, confident, and stylish. And he’s been doing it for decades. He has style like no other, is incredibly talented, and serves as this awesome role model for guys everywhere—and at this point he is the living, breathing personification of everything cool.
