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Donald Trump vs. Michael Bloomberg
Battle of the Billionaires
How does President Trump stack up against potential 2020 opponent Michael Bloomberg? Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, a centrist Democrat, appears to be gearing up for a 2020 presidential run, and believes he stands a chance against President Trump. Bloomberg is a former mayor of New York City, owns a company named after himself a fellow billionaire. Trump is a former New York City real estate mogul, owns a company named after himself also a billionaire. But there are some key differences.
Like Bloomberg’s net worth: $52 billion versus Trump’s net worth: $3 billion. Bloomberg made his money in securities and a media empire. Trump made his money in real estate and reality TV. Bloomberg has given over $6 billion to charitable causes. Trump was ordered to dissolve his charity due to "a shocking pattern of illegality.” Bloomberg is polling at 4% with Democrats. Trump is polling at 83% with Republicans. In Bloomberg’s 12 years as mayor of the largest city in the United States, he also showed an interest in the sort of fact-based, data-driven policy that Trump finds unappealing. Perhaps most important, he recognizes that climate change is an enormous problem that needs to be tackled for the sake of humanity. That alone might make him a better leader for this country than Trump has been.
But the polls show far more support among Democratic primary voters for liberal candidates than truly moderate ones, aside from Biden. And it’s hard to tell how much of Biden’s support stems from his more moderate approach to policy versus Democrats’ understandable affection and nostalgia for the president Biden served under, Barack Obama. However, it seems early enough in the race for votes, even though it’s late in the fundraising chase. And one thing unlike Trump is Michael Bloomberg doesn’t need is anybody else’s cash.