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Ex-Border Patrol Agent on Agency's "Racist" Culture
Former Border Patrol Agent Speaks Out On Agency's Culture
As a Border Patrol Agent from 1995 to 2001. Jenn Budd used to detain immigrants. Now, she's helping them. Her account of her time with Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sheds light on a culture of abuse, violence and racism, which stated for her in the Border Patrol Academy. While based in Campo, California, Budd was tasked with patrolling the border and assisting in the deportation of immigrants. However, CBP officials have now publicly condemned the hate-filled private Facebook groups for former and active Border Patrol Agents (after it was revealed by the media), Budd claims that anti-immigrants’ groups have increasingly gained influence within the agency. Now the chief will sit there and say you know this isn't who we are, but it is who they are. I mean it's 9 5000 people in and some of them are retired but the force is 19 000 and then 5% of them are female, so it is who they are. Budd now volunteers at shelters in San Diego and decries horrendous detention conditions. In protest, Budd wrote an open-letter to current CBP agents asking them to "lay down their guns and resist illegal orders."
“My hope was to get them if anybody maybe had, any kind of thoughts that they aren't doing the right thing, and they feel like they're trapped because it's a good paying job, and this and that, you know I I left in 2001, unexpectedly, and I didn't have a job lined up and I just did what I felt I had to do and I resigned in protest and I told them exactly why I was resigning and that I felt that they were immoral and unethical and it was the best thing I ever did. I think this is one of those times where, you either speak the truth or you're gonna go down in history on the wrong side. I don't want to be in the wrong side,” proclaims Jenn Budd Former Border Patrol Agent.