Coronavirus patient still quarantined one month later

He's been quarantined for over a month with coronavirus. Now, he's volunteered for a clinical study to help cure COVID-19. (via Brut News)
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Who is Carl Goodman

Carl Goldman has been quarantined for more than a month. He first caught COVID-19 on the Diamond Princess cruise that was quarantined off the coast of Japan in February. They had 15 days of a 16-day cruise. On the last day after everyone had packed their bags, a passenger who had exited the ship in Hong Kong had come down with the coronavirus four days later. Then after 12 days into quarantine, the State Department, the United States State Department decided to fly the Americans back to the States. Goodman boarded the plane along with his wife and about two hours into the flight, he woke up with a very high fever of 103+. Goldman has Guillain-Barré syndrome —a disorder in which his body's immune system attacks his nerves.

“And I think that's why they put me into a quarantine area to begin with, but more importantly, into the bio-containment unit at university in Nebraska, here at Nebraska, medicine in Omaha. No one could come into my room without wearing bio hazmat gear. There was sealed windows, double pane, a big sealed door, two TV monitors were looking at me. Cameras were looking at me at all times.What's weird about the virus is other than the high fever, there were no other symptoms other than a dry cough. So unlike the common cold, where I would normally get a stuffy nose, a sore throat, sneezing, body aches. There was none of that,”

Feeling better

He was placed under federal quarantine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. His wife never got the virus. After spending about a month in quarantine, Goodman is waiting for the coronavirus test to come back negative three days in a row as well as finishing the voluntary clinical study for the cure. Goodman urges people concerned with having the virus to check their temperature; odds are they do not have it.
