Donors Support Young Girl With Rare Condition

Thanks to an amazing show of solidarity, this young Iraqi girl who suffered from a terrible disease is being cured. A story we can all learn from...
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Suffering from a rare skin disease, little Haoura was able to be operated on thanks to donations received in France

In 2018, Haoura had moved many internet users. Since her birth, this 6-year-old Iraqi girl has been suffering from a giant congenital nevus, a rare skin disease. Faced with her story on the networks, Marine launched a kitty to allow the little girl to be operated on in France. Here is the story of an unexpected success.

In Iraq, there are no remedies to cure Haoura's disease. "What is on her body hurts, it itches, it cannot dress as she wants, it is difficult", said his mother. In 2018, the situation of the little girl is publicized. It was then while scrolling social networks on a Sunday on her bed that Marine came across a video of Haoura. "At that time, I let myself be a little overwhelmed by my emotions mainly because this story touches me", says Marine. A little utopian, she then launches a kitty, without really projecting herself on what will happen next. Against all expectations, the prize pool reaped 26,000 euros.

Fatima, whose son suffers from the same pathology, then contacts Marine to help her get Haoura operated on in France. Procedures to operate Haoura were launched in October 2018. The two women then faced many difficulties, in particular to be connected with Iraq. Indeed, it was necessary to find reliable and available people to be in contact with the family of Haoura, living in a remote area, without access to the Internet. They had barely a year to carry out all the procedures, "that year, each day was essential to carry out a task, administrative, organizational", explains Marine. Finally, in October 2019, all the procedures were validated.

From the moment you really feel that something is possible, there is something to do

On November 26, 2019, Haoura was operated on at Robert Debré Hospital in Paris. "Thanks to the donations received in France, Haoura was able to be half cured, she is happy, she will be able to put on the clothes she wants", says her mother. However, for the giant congenital nevus to be fully removed, further surgery will be required. Pending the end of treatment, Haoura and her mother are staying with Fatima in Paris.

Today, Marine considers it important to tell this story to show that “from the moment you really feel that something is possible, even if the window is very small, there is something to do is that we can go to the end”. The young woman confides that she was the first to know nothing about Haoura's pathology, or how to recover 20,000 euros. However, "a lot of things got aligned, there was a lot of help", she says. From now on, Marine is certain of it: “Individually, everything is really possible.”
