Health care workers applauded around the world

Every evening, the world claps in solidarity for its healthcare worker battling coronavirus :clap: #Solidarityat8
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What exactly is happening?

Around the world, people have organized on social media, to show gratitude to healthcare workers frontline workers, at 8 p.m. in Eastern European Time. Danish actor Rasmus Hammerich, known for A Horrible Woman (2017) and Before the Frost (2018), organized this Facebook event. The first instance took place on March 21, 2020, was titled “Danmark klapper, larmer og synger!” (Denmark claps, sounds, and sings!), and received over 22,000 responses of interest. This would be in celebration of the 43 million physicians, nurses, and other health workers around the world, according to the World Health Organization. As of March 27, there are 542,788 cases of coronavirus in 197 countries and territories with 24,361 deaths.

“In a few minutes at 7 p.m., a lot of people will start opening their windows and coming out on their balconies and cheering for all the people who are keeping Denmark afloat at the moment and also sending love to all the people who are home alone or just reminding each other that we're in this together,” Rasmus Hammerich shares with Brut.

How to prevent the virus?

Since the coronavirus taskforce predicts that a coronavirus vaccine will not be perfected for another year or year and a half, it is best to start looking into at-home prevention methods. Health professionals are asking citizens to stop buying medical masks as they are often worn improperly, and tend to be more effective for those with the virus rather than those trying to avoid getting sick. Also, the mass stockpiling of these devices are preventing medical workers from having the proper supplies. Other known prevention methods include rigorously and frequently washing hands, using hand sanitizer if soap is unavailable, disinfecting any and all surfaces, and preparing medicine and food supplies in case of infection.
