Homosexuality around the world

Taiwan is the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage — meanwhile it's still illegal to be gay in Brunei. This is what gay rights look like around the world.
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Homosexuality Around The World

Taiwan is the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. But If you’re homosexual…In Brunei, you could face up to 10 years in prison. In April 2019, Brunei made gay-sex punishable by stoning to death. After international outcry and boycotts, the sultan announced a moratorium on the law, saying the country would not enforce it.

In Iran, man could be sentenced to death by hanging. and women could receive a flogging. 2007
In Indonesia, you could be publicly flogged in Aceh Province, where Islamic law has been strictly
applied since 2001. In Uganda, so-called “unnatural” relationships are punishable with life imprisonment. In Russia, homosexuality was decriminalized in 1993. But since 2013, a law has imposed fines and prison sentences for “spreading homosexual propaganda” among minors.
In France, you can get married, but you might also be one of the 1,026 victims of homophobic attacks recorded in 2017 by the police In the U.S., LGBT people are the largest minority group to experience hate crimes.

More than 250 same-sex couples are waiting in line to be registered as spouses at government household affairs agencies around Taiwan after it became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. With passageway of the new law, which permits two persons of the same gender, aged 18 or older, to register a marriage, with at least two witnesses signing the registration document, same-sex couples are expected to have the same rights as married heterosexual couples.

The marriage registration process will also be the same and married same-sex partners will be referred to as "spouses," but they will be identified as a "same-sex" couple in their household registration.
