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How Social Media Warps The Way We Shop
Social technology is changing that forever
Jason Harris has spent decades in advertising, selling products and ideas through visual storytelling. He broke down why the art of storytelling is so important in successful advertising, and how innovation in technology is changing that forever. The Mekanism CEO says brands must now take part in social narratives in fresh ways. 81% of millennial consumers expect companies to make commitments to charitable causes according to Horizon Media.
“I don't have a fear that storytelling in advertising is going to go away anytime soon but I do I do fear that if it's all clicks and data and numbers that storytelling wheels will start to slowly fade away. “Minority Report” is a great example because I see it's all heading there. Machines our understanding our likes and what to serve up to us; If you buy something on Instagram it's going to serve up a gazillion hoodies of similar to the thing that you bought. And while that's helpful. What we will slowly miss out on, which I think is really important, is the big idea and attracting us to an emotional connection to the things that we care about and that we might buy,” Harris explains.
Harris is the author of The Soulful Art of Persuasion which will be published by Currency, a division of Penguin Random House in September 2019. In the book, Harris argues that genuine persuasion is about personal character rather than facts and arguments. Based on his experience in business communication, Harris provides 4 key principles and 11 habits for negotiating in an era of social media and global transparency. In his review, Harvard Business School professor Thales Teixeira called Harris’ book “the modern version of Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Harris says that taking humans out of the equation entirely will cause a huge shift in the industry.