Mysterious outbreak in China

A seafood and meat market in Wuhan, China may be the source of a mysterious virus outbreak that’s left several dead.
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Meanwhile in Wuhan, central China

This market could be the source of a mysterious disease outbreak that has left three dead, contaminated over 200 people according to Chinese authorities and nearly 2,000 according to British scientists according to the Imperial College London. The market’s doors have been closed since January 1st; the alleys are being decontaminated. Every infected person had traveled to this city of 11 million inhabitants over the past weeks. In recent days, authorities have reported cases in Beijing and Shenzhen, but also in Japan, Thailand and South Korea. The patients have been placed in quarantine where they’re being treated for a type of pneumonia, a lung disease.

While in France

Travelers arriving from Wuhan aren’t screened for the disease at airports, in the United States, screenings for the Chinese virus are carried out. What is known about the virus is that it’s from the coronavirus family. In humans, it will cause benign cold-like symptoms. However, two deadly epidemics involving this type of animal-borne virus that suddenly got transmitted to humans have already occurred in the 21st century caused by the MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) viruses.

Humans contracted these two air-borne diseases.

A mere cough or sneeze is enough to spread the virus. Scientists fear the current virus might be as lethal as SARS, which spread around the globe between 2002 and 2003. SARS spread from civet cats; small wild animals eaten in China. More than 8,000 people got infected in about thirty countries and 774 died. MERS appeared in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Dromedaries are thought to have transmitted the virus to humans through their milk, which is consumed in the Middle East. In consonance with the Pasteur Institute 1,219 cases have since been reported, killing 449 until 2015. Because of global travelling, especially through air travel, an infection from one place can easily spread to the other within 24 hours. All these emerging infections will eventually come again. The magnitude is difficult to predict but it can be very fatal, it can be very widespread.
