4 Bone Chilling Urban Legends

Slenderman… the Chupacabra... the Jersey Devil. Here are the spooky truths (and rumors) behind some of the world’s most bizarre urban legends. 😱
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You can only hope they aren’t real...

Slenderman - The tall, long-armed humanoid creature with a featureless face and dressed in a black suit is, according to the legend, driven to stalk, abduct, and brainwash children. Slenderman was invented by blogger Eric Knudsen in 2009 as part of an online challenge to create paranormal images, and later became an internet meme sensation. In 2014, 2 Wisconsin girls stabbed their friend 19 times in an attempt to please the fictional creature-- the family recounted the attack and its aftermath on ABC News.

Chupacabra - The Chupacabra is a vampiric creature that terrorizes livestock and drinks their blood — the name means “goat sucker.” First reported in Puerto Rico in 1995, the Chupacabra was first speculated to exist as far back as 1975, due to livestock killings where the bodies were bled dry. Investigations have tied the origin of the legend to eyewitnesses having been influenced by the 1995 sci fi film Species, but “Sightings” of Chupacabra creatures have been reported all the way in the U.S. Argentina and India.

Momo - Momo resembles a mythological harpy that appears to children in chatrooms and WhatsApp groups — accompanied by creepy messages and violent commands. The “Momo Challenge” first appeared in 2018 when an Indonesian newspaper reported it caused a 12-year-old girl to kill herself. Despite claims of children’s suicides related to Momo, the challenge was declared a hoax.

Jersey Devil - The Jersey Devil has been described as a flying biped with hooves, said to inhabit the pine barrens of southern New Jersey, per an exposé on NJTV. The creature was first said to exist by American settlers as far back as 1735. but it wasn’t until the 20th century that reports it attacking trolley cars prompted mass hysteria and school closings. Authorities never managed to locate the Jersey Devil, any many say the legend was crafted in response to Puritan fears of social outcasts who lived in the untamed American woods.
