Celebrity Chef Cooks For Hurricane Dorian Victims

Spanish chef José Andrés and his nonprofit World Central Kitchen traveled to the Bahamas to help feed victims of Hurricane Dorian.
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On the ground in the Bahamas where he and his team are feeding the victims of Hurricane Dorian

The Spanish chef José Andrés is in the Bahamas to help those affected by Hurricane Dorian with his charitable organization, World Central Kitchen. Dorian has left at least 5 people dead in the Abaco Islands and is headed for the U.S. It has been downgraded from Category 5 to 3, but Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina remain on high alert. The celebrity chef founded World Central Kitchen in 2010, and it has since supplied food aid to many countries, from Haiti to Indonesia. Following Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, the organization provided 3.7 million servings of food. Now, it has gathered volunteers to prepare food in the Bahamas.

José Andrés explains the planning before the storm, “It’s gonna be a huge, huge hurricane. And that’s why we’re preparing in Abaco and in the Bahamas. So, I want everybody to understand that this... we are not here in the hurricane. We are like 90 miles away. Imagine what’s going on in Abaco. And the hurricane hasn’t even reached Abaco yet. This is gonna be one of the biggest ever. I can’t believe this wind. It is really windy. So here we are again with our legendary line of sandwiches. They are very simple: good, hearty bread, good ham, good cheese, a lot of mayo, ketchup...And we love to bring those with a piece of fruit and then a hot plate in the same delivery. It’s like we’re bringing two meals in one without waiting any time on delivery.”

Since the catastrophe, both he and the World Central Kitchen account have been providing updates on the relief efforts. On September 1, WCK posted on its website, saying that Andrés and WCK Relief Team members were still stationed in Nassau—south of where the hurricane is centered—ready to begin cooking as soon as the storm had passed, and they could safely reach Great Abaco and Grand Bahama. He expects to take several helicopter flights back and forth, delivering food and visiting the local hospital and WCK relief kitchen.
