Opera Singer Plácido Domingo Faces Sexual Harassment Allegations

Famed tenor Plácido Domingo is being investigated by the Los Angeles Opera after several allegations of sexual harassment surfaced. Here, one of the women details her experience with the singer.
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Nine women have comes forward

Famed Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo has been accused by 9 women of sexual harassment in testimonies gathered by the Associated Press. Patricia Wulf, a mezzo-soprano is the only one who agreed to be named. The rest — 7 lyric singers and one dancer — requested anonymity as they fear retaliation. One of them claims Domingo put his hand up her skirt. Three others say he kissed them forcefully. In addition to these 9 testimonies, another 6 women told the Associated Press that Domingo’s sexual propositions made them feel uncomfortable.

The 78-year-old issued a statement in response to the accusations:
“The allegations from these unnamed individuals dating back as many as 30 years are deeply troubling, and as presented, inaccurate. Still, it is painful to hear that I may have upset anyone……or made them feel uncomfortable, no matter how long ago and despite my best intentions. I believed that all of my interactions and relationships were always welcomed and consensual. People who know me or who have worked with me know that I am not someone who would intentionally harm, offend, or embarrass anyone. However, I recognize that the rules and standards……by which we are and should be measured against today are very different than they were in the past. I am blessed and privileged to have had a more than 50-year career in opera Emma and will hold myself to the highest standards.”

Wulf sang with Domingo in the Washington National Opera. 7 of the 9 accusers claim that rejecting his advances negatively impacted their career. In some cases, jobs that were promised never came through, while others never worked with the singer again, Domingo remains one of the most admired tenors in the world and is the current director of the LA Opera.
