4 World Leaders Having a Tough 2019

If you thought your 2019 was rough, imagine being one of these four right now.
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Tough times at the top

4 major world leaders who’ve managed to make their lives a living hell in 2019:

U.S. President Donald Trump - After it was revealed that Trump asked Ukraine to investigate his rival Joe Biden, the president became the subject of an official impeachment inquiry from Congress. The details emerged as the Justice Department confirmed that the inspector general for the director of national intelligence had made a criminal referral about the call, questioning whether Trump had violated campaign finance law, but that department lawyers had determined he had not.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson - After the pro-Brexit Johnson requested to suspend Parliament, the U.K. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that he was in violation of the law. The decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification. He is now facing numerous calls to resign.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - In the middle of a tough election, multiple photos were discovered of Trudeau wearing black and brownface. He is now facing attacks and criticism from all sides. The first photo of Justin Trudeau in blackface makeup was released on Sept. 18. Within hours, more photos surfaced of Trudeau dressed up with a darkened face.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu - After failing to form a government following the April 2019 elections, Netanyahu was forced to call for an unprecedented second election in September. On the campaign trail, Netanyahu’s anti-Arab rhetoric caused Arab voter turnout to spike — to 60% in the September vote. The election results were too close to call and Netanyahu is now attempting to form a coalition government with his opponent. He’s also facing multiple corruption charges.
