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Every day should be International Women's Day

From the right to equal pay to autonomy over their own bodies, and even simply to stay alive. These women are fighting for their rights every day of the year.
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Celebrating the incredible work that women across the globe

Vithika Yadav - Founder of the sex ed website “Love Matters”

“I’m fighting for women’s right for their own bodies, to their sexuality, to their rights to pleasure, and this is an important fight because it is about human rights, it is about sexual rights, it is about health and well-being, and women cannot be left behind.”

Alyssa Ahrabare - Spokesperson, “Osez le Féminisme”

“I fight for a feminist world. I’m a feminist, because today, still, the true equality between women and men doesn’t exist anywhere, and sexist and sexual violence is everywhere around us. In France, there’s a rape or an attempted rape every 7 minutes. In the world, it’s every 9 seconds. What we want, at “Osez le Féminisme,” is a world where sexist and sexual violence disappears. A truce of 24 hours without rape would be a start.”

Catalina Ruiz-Navarro - Feminist writer

"Latin America is one of the most violent regions in the world for women and girls, and one of the places that restricts our sexual and reproductive rights the most. That’s why we fight every day for women and girls to have a life free from violence. Lives that are worth living, not only to stop enduring sexist violence, harassment and sexual violence, but also so that our governments recognize us as citizens and give us absolutely all our rights, including the fundamental right to healthcare, which includes the right to end a pregnancy, when we want to do it and it’s necessary to."

Cornelia Glele - Founder, International Women Film Festival of Cotonou

"It’s important to fight for women to have the same salary as men when they do the same job. It’s important to fight for women to do whatever they want with their bodies, it’s important, simply, to fight for women’s rights in 2020."
