Iran's deputy health minister has coronavirus

After appearing sweaty and visibly sick, Iran's deputy health minister has confirmed that he has coronavirus.
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He continues to reassure that the coronavirus is under control

After looking very unwell at a press conference, Iran’s deputy health minister, Iraj Harirchi, has tested positive for coronavirus. “In the name of God, I present my greetings to all my compatriots, I wanted to inform you that I have been infected with coronavirus. This is a democratic virus. It doesn’t differentiate between the rich and poor. It doesn’t differentiate between statesman and an ordinary citizen.”, Harirchi shared.

Doubting quarantines

The day before, during an official address, where he appeared without a mask, he had doubted the usefulness of quarantining the affected towns. “As for the quarantine measures, we are not in favor of them. Quarantine measures were adopted before the First World War to manage epidemics like the plague. And the Chinese are not satisfied with the quarantine that has been put in place there. And quarantines have consequences: if we put a city under quarantine, what happens to the people in that city?”, he questioned.

Denies claim about the holy city of Qom

Iraj Harirchi had also denied a claim by a member of parliament that 50 people had died as a result of the epidemic in the holy city of Qom, one of the places where numerous cases have been tested but which remains open to believers. “If the number of deaths in Qom, in respect to this disease, is even half or a quarter of this number, I will hand in my resignation.”, he announced.

Iran is one of the countries that has been most affected

Iran is one of the countries that has been most affected by the coronavirus epidemic outside of China, as well as South Korea and Italy. Iraj Harirchi, who is in charge of handling the epidemic, still maintains that it is under control.

“I assure you; we will beat this virus. Be assured, I’m saying this deep from my heart. Take care of yourselves. We have effective treatments against the virus. Take care of the nurses and doctors who work heroically. I am continuing the work I’ve been tasked with by telephone. I would like to be back among you in the coming days, when the symptoms have gone, and that I will continue to be of service to you. And goodbye for the time being.”, he concluded.
