The War Inside Yemen’s Civil War

Yemen’s civil war has been raging since 2015. Now, a smaller civil war has broken out within the larger one. This is what you need to know about the recent clashes in Aden.
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No end in sight

In Yemen, war continues to claim lives. Since August 8, clashes in the city of Aden have killed at least 40 people and injured 260, according to the United Nations. Started in 2015, the war is between Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, and the anti-Houthi military coalition, led by several Arab states. The coalition comprises government forces backed by Saudi Arabia, and separatists, who are backed by the United Arab Emirates. The separatists are so named because they are demanding the reestablishment of an independent state in the south of Yemen, as was the case from 1967 to 1990.

These two camps — until now allies — began fighting in early August 2019 in Aden, the temporary capital of the anti-Houthi coalition in the south of Yemen. The circumstances surrounding the outbreak of recent hostilities remain unclear. The separatists are accusing the government forces of killing one of their commanders. In 2018, the separatists had already attempted to take control of the presidential palace. They accused the current government of corruption. The two camps then commenced a combat which lasted 3 days and caused 38 deaths, according to the Red Cross. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates intervened to try to end the fight.

On August 11, 2019, they once again called for a return to stability. The separatists confirmed that they were prepared to respect a cease-fire and attend a peace meeting with government forces. According to the UN, the war in Yemen is the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world.” With a population of 28 million, more than 22 million Yemenis need humanitarian assistance. Children are the main victims.
