Jeffrey Dahmer Victim’s Mom Slams Golden Globes

The mother of Tony Hughes, one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims, is not happy with the Golden Globes for honoring actor Evan Peters’ performance.
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"People winning acting roles for playing killers keeps the obsession going”

Evan Peters, best known for his role in American Horror Story, recently won a Golden Globe award for his portrayal of notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in the Netflix series Monster. However, the award ceremony has been met with criticism from the family of one of Dahmer's victims, Tony Hughes.
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In an interview with TMZ, Tony Hughes' mother expressed her disdain for the Golden Globes honoring Peters' portrayal of Dahmer, stating that "people winning acting roles for playing killers keeps the obsession going, and this makes sick people like Dahmer thrive on the fame."
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"It's a shame that people can take our tragedy and make money”

This isn't the first time that the Hughes family has spoken out against the media's hyper-fixation and glorification of serial killers. In October, Tony Hughes' mother spoke to The Guardian about her frustration with the show, stating that "It's a shame that people can take our tragedy and make money. The victims never saw a cent. We go through these emotions every day."
The romanticization of serial killers

She also criticized the show for its factual inaccuracies and for not obtaining permission to tell her son's story. Peters, for his part, expressed hope that some good came out of the Netflix series, which focused an entire episode on Tony Hughes' story. However, he did not pay tribute to the victims or their families during his acceptance speech.
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