Providing New Homes for Camp Fire Survivors | w/ James Woody Faircloth

After the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's history, this father and daughter decided to help survivors by providing them with new homes.
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Camp Fire survivors, a year later

The Camp Fire killed 85 people destroyed nearly 14,000 residences and burned more than 150,000 acres. It was the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's history – leaving over 50,000 people homeless. A few days after the tragedy, James “Woody” Faircloth and his 6-year-old daughter Luna embarked on a nearly 1,200-mile drive from Colorado to California. After delivering their first RV to a family of 6 – Faircloth decided to turn his idea into a non-profit: RV4CampfireFamily.

Finding each family, a home

“My six-year-old and I were paying attention to the coverage of the Camp Fire on the news in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. We happened to see a story about a guy who had started up the RV on the side, his house, and he was able to drive it out of the fire. He just mentioned he needed a small part and he would be all set on housing. It just occurred to me what a no brainer there. 50,000 people homeless there, and there’s RVs seemingly everywhere when you're driving down the highway. Surely, we can find an RV, and take it out there and get at least one family a home for Thanksgiving,” James “Woody” Faircloth, founder of RV4CampfireFamily tells Brut.

Where are they now?

1 year later, the two have donated more than 74 RVs to Camp Fire survivors. In 2018, government, nonprofit, and fundraised aid came flooding in. President Trump also visited Paradise to survey the damage. Homelessness across Butte County increased by 16% in 2019 – many survivors have now lost access to FEMA and other relief resources. On the 1-year anniversary of the Camp Fire, James and his daughter Luna helped deliver 5 RVs to Camp Fire survivors.
