Remembering Theresa May’s Awkward Prime Ministership

While Theresa May's time as Prime Minister might be ending, her robotic dance moves and cringey quotes will live in our hearts (and online) forever. 😬😂
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The Short, Awkward PM Tenure of Theresa May

The Prime Ministership of Theresa May was brief, tense, and at times it got downright awkward. Brexit was never going to be stress-free but Prime Minister Theresa has been blamed for some clear mistakes in her failed attempt. “I have done everything I can to convince MPs to back that deal. Sadly, I have not been able to do so. I tried three times.” Theresa May will go down in history as the prime minister whose era in office was subjugated by Brexit — and eventually destroyed by it.

When asked to think of the naughtiest thing you ever did as a child, not many people would come up with the same answer as the Prime Minister. “What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did? Oh goodness, me. I have to confess, when me and my friends’ sort of used to run through the fields of wheat farmers weren’t too pleased about that.” Theresa May has admitted.

Under electoral commission rules, May will continue in her post in an acting capacity until July when the party picks a successor, who will become Britain’s next prime minister. “I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honor of my life to hold. The second female Prime Minister, but certainly not the last. I do so with no ill will, but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country I love.” During her three years in office, there have been plenty of ups and downs. Ahead of Mrs. May standing down as prime minister late summer 2019, we map out some of the most memorable moments.
