NFL Players Give Aid at the Border

NFL players Josh Norman and Demario Davis brought food, blankets, backpacks and supplies to a group of asylum seekers. This is what they wish Americans understood about life at the U.S.-Mexico border.
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NFL Players Give Aid at the Border

These NFL players spent time with immigrants seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. Josh Norman of the Washington Redskins and Demario Davis of the New Orleans Saints have been taking volunteer trips together for over a year. They volunteered to help during the Flint water crisis. This is now the second time they’ve volunteered with migrants.

Demario Davis says, “People make it seem like it's people with AK-47s and it's the wild, wild west going on there. We’re in the thick of it. We’re standing right in the middle of it, bro. On the other side right now. When we walked across that's when it really hits you like how different it is, the reality versus the narrative. Like you got babies, like little babies, you know, two years old, up to six, seven, eight-year old’s, like multiple kids sleeping on the ground for months right outside our border. Like not 100 yards away from the border, not a mile away from the border, like right next to the border.”

Josh Norman adds as they gear up to take a group photo, “They're so happy and excited they got blankets. Just blankets from the store that me and you can get without even thinking about it, with the drop of a hat. But they were happy they got that, like, that’s the type of stuff that just is not being seen or being told. This is going on in America. I cannot, like, express how deeply I am disgusted by this. But what I’m going to do is I'm going to help them find a new place and I’m going to spend my money to do that because guess what? I feel as if, if I can’t do something about it then I'm a failure to myself. And if everybody was to take the role and initiative it wouldn't be the case.”

The duo bought up all the blankets at a nearby store to distribute, along with toys, backpacks and food, and saw the inside of a shelter housing migrants who were recently deported. They also visited the National Butterfly Center, which the proposed border wall would cut through. They launched the Norman and Davis Fund to continue supporting Migrants, the people of Flint and other causes down the road.

Josh Norman concludes, “We can do better. We know how to do better but we choose not to do better… We can be set free from all this by doing the right thing. So, I implore people, just to try to find a way to make these wrongs, make them right.”
