5 good news for the planet January 2020

A species thought to be extinct has reappeared. But there’s more… 🙌Here are 5 good news for the planet.
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Good news for the planet

In Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, mountain gorilla populations are on the rise. From 2011 to 2019, there are a total of 59 new gorillas in Bwindi National Park (Uganda) and Sarambwe Nature Reserve (DRC). When the latest census carried out in Virunga National Park (DRC) is added, the global population now comes to 1,063. That’s good news for one of the world’s most endangered species.

In Zambia, Lower Zambezi National Park will remain protected. The government has just announced that no mining will be authorized in the country’s most recent park. A mining permit had been granted to an Australian firm, but in the meantime, the project’s environmental impact report expired. To reapply for authorization, the firm would have to prepare a new report, which the government would need to approve. While announcing the abandonment of this project, the government recalled its commitment to fight global warming.

In the Galápagos Islands, a species thought to be extinct has reappeared. Although none had been seen since 1906, a scientific expedition working on an island of the archipelago found a female Chelonoidis phantasticus. For the time being, she’s the only known representative of this giant tortoise species, but her existence offers hope that others are living on the archipelago.

In Slovenia, the Mur River will remain untouched. Crossing through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, this large river is rich in both biodiversity and hydroelectric potential.

This is why it is exploited by dams, especially on the Austrian side. But the Slovenian government has announced that it won’t allow any dams to be built on this river within its borders, highlighting environmental concerns. In additiation, UNESCO classified 13,000 hectares around the river as a biosphere reserve, reinforcing its protection.

In Russia, 300,000 hectares of virgin forest have been protected. In this country, taiga land represents one of the main eco-regions. It absorbs CO2, generates oxygen provides shelter for animals… But these vast evergreen forests are also exploited for timber. The Arkhangelsk region is home to one of the last remaining intact areas which is now protected with a nature reserve status. It took 17 years of negotiations between NGOs and the authorities to achieve this protection.
