Fresh Pasta Recipe: A Lockdown Special

Fresh, homemade pasta with stracciatella and tomato sauce. Here is an easy and sustainable recipe with chef Riccardo Ferrante. An Écotable initiative
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What is the Écotable community?

This homemade pasta recipe is an initiative by the Écotable community, which promotes and supports the eco-responsible approach of the various restaurant and local businesses. Since coronavirus has shut down kitchens around the world, these chefs are working together to make sure that responsible food is still being created around the world. Every day they prepare and deliver healthy meals in the area. For those outside of the European area, they are shining a spotlight on the support network of restaurants and chefs via social media. Their latest campaign was to finance quality meals for caregivers including nurses, doctors, and emergency room personnel. In four days, they raised enough to provide meals to 4,287 individuals which was 757% more than their original goal of 500 meals.

Riccardo Ferrante, the chef making the pasta in this video, is the chef at Solina in Paris, France. The restaurant opened in 2018 after Ferrante and his childhood best friend Fabio established a successful wine bar in 2010 and pizzeria in 2015 back in their hometown of Vasto, Italy. Their key to success is Ferrante’s insistence of making homemade pasta daily in the style of their home region Abruzzo. As of March 26, there have been 74,386 cases in their home country of Italy with 7,503 deaths.

What can you do?

Created in 2018 to create visibility for eco-conscious restaurants who give back to their community, the Écotable community initiative now has over 5,700 instagram followers. To help contribute to the cause, visit their facebook page to donate to their quality meals for caregivers campaign. Locally, there have been several online campaigns to stimulate restaurant businesses including Takeout Tuesday in the United States as well as the encouragement of several internet stars for their fans to buy gift certificates to local restaurants and businesses to use after the stay-at-home orders and advisories are lifted.
