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The life of Harrison Ford

As an actor, he's saved a galaxy far, far away... In real life, he's fighting to save our planet. This is the life of Harrison Ford.
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Humble beginnings

Harrison Ford was born in 1942 in Chicago. His mother was a radio actress and his father, an actor turned advertising executive. After leaving college, he signed an acting contract for 150 dollars a week with Columbia Pictures. Not finding much success in his early work, Ford changed career paths by becoming a carpenter for Hollywood celebrities. During these jobs, he caught the eye of casting director Fred Roos and ended up getting his first big role in American Graffiti (1973). The director of* American Graffiti*, George Lucas, ended up remembering Ford when casting the first Star Wars film (1977) and gave him the role of Han Solo. Shortly after, he became Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). However, Harrison Ford speaks about more than just his iconic film roles.

“Stop, for God's sake, the denigration of science. Stop giving power to people who don't believe in science, or worse than that, pretend they don't believe in science for their own self-interest... Sound science must guide us to ask governments, businesses, communities to act, to change behavior, to invest in our future; we need science. But around the world, elements of leadership, including in my own country, to preserve their stake in the status quo deny or denigrate science. They are on the wrong side of history,” Harrison Ford urges in archived climate summits.

Climate change activist

Currently, Ford uses the buzz from the Star Wars sequel trilogy to create awareness of environmental issues. He has been an ambassador for the NGO Conservation International organization since 1991, a pilot for the Riverkeeper team that monitors pollution in the Hudson River, and has donated over 389 acres of land from his Wyoming ranch to create a natural reservation. He is currently married to Calista Flockhart and has five children.
