Politique de protection des données personnelles du site web Brut.
The Brut. (hereinafter the ‘Brut Service’) is published by Brut, a simplified joint stock company registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 829 162 395, whose registered office is at 17 rue de l'Arrivée, Paris (75015) and whose intra-community VAT identification number is FR88829162395 (hereinafter the ‘Brut SAS Company’) and whose contact email address is [email protected].
The Brut Service is accessible on the one hand via a website accessible at the URL www.Brut.media (hereinafter the ‘Site’) and on the other hand in the form of a ‘Brut’ mobile application (hereinafter the ‘Application’) accessible and downloadable on mobile phones and tablets.
This Personal Data Protection Policy applies to personal data collected, processed, transmitted and stored in connection with your use of the Brut Service, whether on the Site or the Application.
Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (e.g. a surname, first name, email address, unique identifier, etc.).
BRUT undertakes to process the personal data of its users in accordance with the applicable law, and in particular with Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, known as the ‘Data Protection Act’, in its most recent version in force, and with European Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 (‘the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data’).
1. Details of the data controller
The controller of the personal data collected from you when you use the Application is BRUT, a simplified joint stock company registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 829 162 395, whose registered office is at 17 rue de l'Arrivée, 75015 Paris, [email protected].
2. Personal data collected by BRUT SAS
The personal data to which BRUT SAS has access is that which you communicate to us when you browse the Site and/or when you create an account on the Application and when you use it. Thus, BRUT SAS collects in particular :
- connection data (e.g. date and time of connection, duration of connection, pages viewed) collected by means of cookies or tracers on the Site and the Application,
- browsing data (IP address of the terminal connected to the Site, type of terminal used to connect to the Site and the Application, operating system of the terminal connected, telephone operator, Internet address of the page from which the terminal came, version of the browsing software used by the terminal, download errors, language of the browsing software used by the terminal).
- the data provided when you create an account on the Application, i.e. your email address, login details and information about your use of the Site and/or the Application (comments, likes, content viewed, etc.), in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
Unless otherwise stated, the information requested when you create an account on the Application is compulsory. If you do not provide this information, you will not be able to create a user account for the Application. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data that you communicate to BRUT SAS via the Site and/or the Application.
3. Use of your personal data
We collect and process your personal data for the purposes and on the legal grounds described in the table below.
When you use the Application, we also collect information about your mobile device and how you use the Application, through the use of trackers. For more information on these trackers, please refer to article 6 below.
Purpose of data processingLegal basisAnalysis of the preferences and centres of interest of users of the Site and the Application in order to offer personalised content.Execution of the general conditions of use of the Site and the Application.Analysis of the preferences and centres of interest of users of the Site and the Application for the purposes of quality improvement.Legitimate interest of the company BRUT SAS in knowing the preferences and centres of interest of its users in order to improve its Site and/or its Application. Analysis of the centres of interest of users of the Application connected via FacebookRegitimate interest of the company BRUT SAS in knowing the preferences and centres of interest of its users in order to improve its Site and/or its Application.Display of personalised content to users of the Application, according to their preferences and centres of interest. Execution of the general conditions of use of the Site and the Application and legitimate interest of the company BRUT SAS in offering its users personalised content and an improved experience of using the Site and/or the Application.Management of requests from users of the Site and the Application (in particular requests to exercise rights under the conditions set out in article 8 below). BRUT SAS's legal obligation to respond to requests to exercise the rights of persons whose personal data BRUT SAS processes.BRUT SAS's legitimate interest in responding to other questions and requests made by users of its Site and/or its Application.Management of account creation, purchases and subscriptions by users of the Application. Legal obligations of the company BRUT SAS in the management of subscriptions and purchases for consideration by users of the Application.Legal obligations of the company BRUT SAS in the monitoring of user accounts in the Application.Management of pre-litigation and litigation.Legitimate interest of the company BRUT SAS in asserting its rights in the context of pre-litigation or litigation.
4. Recipients and transfers of your personal data
Your personal data is collected, processed and stored by authorised BRUT SAS personnel. We also transfer your personal data to some of our partners.
Your data will be pseudonymised and supplied to our partner Crossing Minds Inc. to feed its content recommendation algorithms, which we then use to offer you the most relevant content.
Your non-pseudonymised personal data will not be transferred outside the European Union.
5. How long we keep your personal data
Purposes/DataInitial retention periodArchiving periodManagement of user accounts and provision of the Application.As long as your user account is active. A user account is considered ‘inactive’ after 1 year without connection. It is then automatically closed.5 years after the closure of your user account.Analysis of the preferences and interests of users of the Application.As long as your user account is active.5 years after the closure of your user account.Display of personalised content to users of the Application, according to their preferences and interests.As long as your user account is active.5 years after your user account is closed.Management of requests from users of the Application (in particular requests to exercise rights under the conditions set out in article 8 below).Until your request is closed.5 years after your user account is closed.Management of pre-litigation and litigation.Until a pre-litigation is finally resolved amicably or until all avenues of appeal have been exhausted.Settlement agreements and court decisions are archived definitively when they are of historical interest to BRUT.
The retention period for cookies used on the Application is indicated in article 6 below.
6. Cookies and tracers
The Brut Service Site and Application use various cookies and trackers to improve the interactivity of the Brut Service.
A cookie (or other tracker) is a piece of information recorded on the user's computer or mobile device when visiting the Site and/or the Application. It is used, for example, to indicate the number of pages visited and content viewed and to recognise a user who has already accessed the Site and/or the Application. This may make it possible to personalise the Brut Service and its content and make browsing the Site or using the Application more comfortable.
Below is a list of the cookies and tracers used on the Site and the Application, their purpose and how to deactivate them. With the exception of the cookies required for the operation of the Site and the Application, which you cannot deactivate, these cookies can be deactivated at any time, individually or in their entirety. If you refuse all or part of the cookies below, certain elements and functionalities will no longer be offered to you.
Cookie nameFinalityStorage periodGoogle AnalyticsStatistics on the use of the site and application13 monthsGoogle AdsMeasures the effectiveness of advertising campaigns13 monthsFacebook PixelStatistics on redirections from Facebook to our site and application13 monthsSnapchatImproves the performance of Snapchat advertising campaigns13 monthsTiktokStatistics on redirections from Tiktok to our site and application13 months
In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, applicable in France, you may refuse the use of these cookies or trackers and deactivate them by clicking on the link below:
Refuse anonymous measurement (no data collected)
The refusal of these cookies or trackers may block or hinder the use of the Site and/or the Application, without BRUT SAS being held liable in this respect.
You can also deactivate cookies by setting your browser to reject cookies systematically or to refuse them on a case-by-case basis prior to their installation.
By way of example:
for Internet Explorer™: https://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies ;
for Safari™: https://www.apple.com/fr/privacy/use-of-cookies ;
for Chrome™: https://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647 ;
for Firefox™: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies;
for Opera™: https://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html.
For other browsers, please consult the documentation provided to you by the manufacturer of your browser.
The data from cookies and tracers on the Site and the Application are exclusively intended for use by the departments and staff of BRUT SAS authorised to take cognisance of them by virtue of their function.
In addition, the data may be communicated to any authority legally entitled to know about it, in particular the judicial, police or administrative authorities.
Links on the Service Brut Site may direct you to external sites.
The personal data protection and cookie policies of these sites may differ from this policy.
Consequently, we recommend that you read the personal data protection policy and cookies policy of each of the sites concerned
In any case, BRUT SAS cannot be held responsible in the event that the content of one of the sites concerned contravenes the legal and regulatory provisions in force.
Cookies placed by social networking sites that may link to the TV MAISON Website or its Content are also their sole responsibility.
You can consult the terms of confidentiality of each of these social networks at the following addresses:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy
Google +: https://www.google.com/intl/fr_fr/policies/privacy/
Pinterest: https://about.pinterest.com/fr/cookie-policy
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy
7. Security of your personal data
BRUT SAS undertakes to protect the personal data it collects. To this end, BRUT SAS will take all physical, technical and organisational measures necessary to prevent any unauthorised or unlawful processing, as well as any accidental loss, destruction or deterioration of your personal data.
8. Your rights regarding your personal data
You may access and obtain a copy of the data concerning you, object to the processing of this data, have it rectified or deleted. You also have the right to limit the processing of your data and to have your data ported. Finally, you have the right to organise what happens to your data after your death.
With regard to the right to object, we would particularly like to draw your attention to the fact that you may object at any time to the processing of your personal data based on the pursuit of our legitimate interests (for example, processing aimed at analysing your preferences and centres of interest and offering you personalised content).
To find out more about your rights, please visit the CNIL website https://www.cnil.fr/fr/les-droits-pour-maitriser-vos-donnees-personnelles
To exercise your rights, please contact us at [email protected]
If you feel that your rights have not been respected, you can submit a complaint to the CNIL.
9. Changes to the Personal Data Protection Policy
This confidentiality and cookies policy has been drawn up in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.
This Privacy Policy may be amended or modified at any time.
Users of the Site and/or the Application are therefore invited to consult it regularly.