Fire Drill Fridays, Jane Fonda's climate fight

She's been protesting every Friday since October outside the U.S. Capitol, inspiring thousands of people to join her movement. This is Jane Fonda's fight for climate action.
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Protesting and proudly going to jail every Friday

Despite numerous arrests since October 2019, actress Jane Fonda continues to protest every Friday outside the U.S. Capitol. For 14 weeks this fall, I held “Fire Drill Fridays” in Washington D.C. The purpose was to raise awareness of the urgency of the climate crisis. As Greta Thunberg says, “We have to act as if our house in on fire because it is!” Inspired by the movement Fridays for Future started by Greta Thunberg, Fire Drill Fridays gathers many activists and several celebrities including Norman Lear, Martin Sheen and Joaquin Phoenix.

“Something I think isn't oftentimes talked about in the environmental movement or in the conversation about climate change is that the meat and dairy industry is the third leading cause of climate change. And I think sometimes we wonder what we can do in this fight against climate change, and there's something that you can do today, right now and tomorrow by making a choice about what you consume.” Joaquin Phoenix Actor adds.

This movement, in partnership with environmental associations such as Greenpeace, brought together hundreds of thousands of people in a few months. “Climate change has got to go! It’s an emergency, and so we’re trying to raise the sense of urgency and encourage people to engage in civil disobedience and to mobilize.”

In 2020, Fire Drill Fridays is expanding into other American cities, the first rally outside of Washington D.C. took place on February 7 in Los Angeles. California is one of the big oil producing states. It's also the 5th largest economy in the world. “We already have more fossil fuel projects underway than the climate can sustain. They have to be halted! California’s children are more important than fossil fuel profits!
