Climate change

Stay updated on climate science, impacts, and solutions on Brut.
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The roof of the world is melting

2 billion people depend on it. But according to this international study, the Himalayan range is threatening to "collapse".
The roof of the world is melting
Dernière video

The roof of the world is melting

Climate change

Stay informed on the latest climate science, including the causes and effects of rising temperatures, sea level changes, and extreme weather events. Explore how climate change is affecting different regions of the US, from coastal communities grappling with flooding to agricultural areas dealing with droughts and heatwaves. Understand the role of renewable energy sources, carbon emissions, and sustainable practices in mitigating the impacts of climate change. This category also covers the policy landscape, examining US government initiatives, international agreements like the Paris Climate Accord, and the ongoing debates around climate change legislation. Discover how businesses, local communities, and individual citizens are taking action to address climate challenges, from implementing green technologies to advocating for eco-friendly policies.
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