Youth Climate Activists Protest With Greta Thunberg

Dozens of young climate activists who gathered outside the United Nations on Friday to demonstrate for climate justice had a special guest: Greta Thunberg. This is what they told Brut about their movement to change the world.👇
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You are a leader if you're making your voice heard

Climate activist Greta Thunberg staged her first strike in the U.S. Dozens of young climate activists joined her outside the U.N. Inspired by Thunberg's school strike campaign, youth activists are building momentum for climate action. Thunberg arrived in New York via a carbon-free racing boat trip across the Atlantic. Villaseñor sat on her customary bench. A half hour later, Thunberg descended the stairs from Thunberg city and took up a spot in Ralph Bunche Park four blocks away. Villaseñor walked to meet her and a cadre of American youth activists who shared their stories of what it means to be the ones who will live with adults’ decisions that day.

She posted what she was doing on social media, which went viral and inspired students like Bastida Patrick in dozens of countries around the world to hold similar strikes in front of government buildings in their local communities. Greta has become a source of inspiration for children and adolescents around the world, like Shiv Soin, an 18-year-old New Yorker who has gone to the dock with several dozen 14- to 18-year-olds to show his support as well. The Fridays for Future movements Olivia Wohlgemuth, a 16-year-old in New York City told the New York Times adds, "There's nothing in the curriculum to explain the urgency of the climate crisis and the need to act. We're saying, 'Why study for the future we're not going to have?'"

Approximately 70 humans, young and old were handcuffed for spreading environmental awareness, standing for environmental justice. Joined by XR Youths coordinator Sophie Anderson, who protested against the NYTimes inadequate media coverage of the climate crisis was another inspired by Great’s passion for climate change initiatives. “My message to young people is that you have the power, if you choose to be active and come out on the streets and make your voice heard, then you are a leader. You are as much of a leader as Greta, as Alexandria, as Xiye, as anyone who is organizing. You are a leader if you're making your voice heard,” concludes Anderson.
