Veggie burgers for meat eaters, Beyond Meat's success story

"Over 90% of the people who buy our product also have meat in their shopping cart. That's a real breakthrough." They've managed to appeal to all consumers, even meat eaters. Now, Beyond Meat is one of the most popular vegan brands in the world. Brut nature met with its Executive Chair. With ChangeNOW Summit
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These veggie burgers were developed to appeal to meat eaters too. They are made by the brand “Beyond Meat” and are among the most popular vegan products in the world.

Beyond Meat also offers other meat substitutes: "pork" sausages, “beef" meatballs, and minced "beef”. As proof of their success, the company's net revenues increased by 250% between 2018 and 2019.

Nowadays, their products are sold in 30,000 distribution points across the world, including collaborations with several major fast-food chains such as McDonald’s, Subway, and Dunkin'.

According to a study from the University of Michigan, a "Beyond Burger" generates 90% less greenhouse gas emissions, requires 46% less energy, 93% less land, and 99% less water than a ¼ pound of U.S. beef.
